Jeremy Saulnier and Macon Blair has been making movies together their entire adult lives. Their most recent film Hold The Dark,...
Oh, The Boat. I went into this film really wanting to love it. It had all of the elements of...
Being queer is pretty cool, but also pretty exhausting. As you search to find yourself in film, television, books, and more, you find yourself creating narratives within those stories. Being queer requires an imagination out of survival, an imagination that believes you fit neatly into typically heterosexual stories. Out of...
If there’s one thing a lifetime of watching horror movies has tried to teach you, it’s don’t get stabbed! Now, you...
One of the most anticipated video game sequels of all time, The Last of Us Part II is easily Naughty...
This month at Nightmare On Film Street, we’re nearing the End of Days. Like many tinfoil hat conspiracy nuts, I’ve been preparing for this moment since the inception of my column because, if you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of punks running around in the wasteland and I’m here...
It’s that time of the month, readers. Dust off your battlevest, knock back that 40 oz, and settle in for...
July is Greedy Guts month here at Nightmare On Film Street, when writers are given carte blanche to write about...
Friendship is hard. This is a fact that director Rob Grant knows very well as seen in his latest film, Harpoon, which recently screened at Fantasia 2019. It is a film about underlying resentment, rivalries, jealousy, and toxic masculinity disguised under the very thin veil of just three friends going...
It’s been a busy year for the writing/directing duo responsible for the edge-of-your-seat thriller The Boy Behind The Door. The...
Happy Cops ‘n’ Killers month, fiends! Or should I say “Cops…who royally screwed up and burned said killer alive, turning...
We are closing out March Break month here at Nightmare on Film Street, and I’m certain most of us haven’t gotten the chance to experience the “break” part. If it’s any consolation, vacations aren’t always what they’re cracked up to be. Sometimes, the car breaks down. Other times, you get...