I could spend hours talking about why I love 1941’s The Wolf Man. There’s the makeup, the cast (Lon Chaney...
42 results for
brooklyn horror review
When democracy fails, it’s not hard to believe in a “deep state” conspiracy. Whether it’s the Illuminati or Lizard People,...
Forgive me if I sound old-fashioned, but murdered teens just aren’t what they used to be. There was a time...
The Brooklyn Horror Film Festival wanted to keep its “Secret Screening” a true surprise. No Halloween, they said. no Suspiria....
There’s a questionable statistic making the rounds on the internet that suggests that the average person unknowingly passes at least...
What would you do if a large sum of money randomly dropped onto your lap? Would you question where it...
Gothic vampire horror seems to never go out of style. Even now, a new Victorian adaptation of Dracula is heading...
What does it take to be a good horror antagonist? A supernatural element? Any serial killer flick will tell you...