In 2018, while visiting the Fantasia Film Festival in Montreal for the world premiere of his movie LOUDER! Can’t Hear...
In one corner, we have Godzilla: a giant lizard-like monster with atomic breath, thick thighs, and a bad attitude. In...
Ghostface returns this weekend in Scream VI and his/her/their (who knows!) reign of terror has expanded out from the quiet, sleepy streets of Woodsboro to the hustle and bustle of New York City. We have no idea what our favorite madman has in store for us at the movie theatre this...
As we eagerly await Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, which explores the life of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer and his involvement in...
Forget the Easter Bunny, Godzilla and Kong are the only giant creatures we care about right now. Join your horror hosts Jon & Kim...
It’s silly that a movie like Godzilla vs. Kong wasn’t nominated for Best Picture. Sure, we’re well past the cut-off date, and it’s a huge stretch to assume the Academy would ever award a giant computer-rendered monkey a tiny little gold statue, but I’m officially calling this a snub. Big monkies...
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