Since its inception, Netflix’s original series Black Mirror has pushed the boundaries on exploring humanity and its connection to evolved...
French filmmaker Gaspar Noé is know for making some of modern cinema’s most challenging films and while his most recent...
Few horror movies are able to nail a single, lasting image that leaves audiences shuddering in their seats long after the credits roll. For some, that first sentence brings up memories of a subconscious flash of Pazuzu or a the spinning head of young Linda Blair in The Exorcist. Or perhaps more modern...
The Overlook Film Festival takes scary very seriously, and it came as a small shock to attendees when the Jury...
I’m going to preface this review by saying I was not alive in the 70’s, and did not get the...
I typically toss the ‘on-screen‘ or ‘desktop‘ sub-genre of horror films in alongside my Found Footage categorization. Though both employ similar tactics in their formatting, trying to evoke a ‘this is totally real and not at all fictionalized‘ experience, I always held the firm belief that ‘on screen’ movies were...
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