Who says the season of scares ends after Halloween? When you really think about it, Christmas is terrifying. And the long tradition of ghost stories and frightening folklore associated with the season speaks to the underlying anxiety of dark nights, freezing cold, and mysterious folk figures breaking into your home....
Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful, But This Sweater is …also Frightful… It’s that time of year again! You know, the one where parking spots are in short supply, store’s blast nothing but Mariah Carey singing about mistletoe, and every coffee chain tries to hustle you into buying a mint...
Ask any horror fan what they consider the best decade of horror filmmaking is, and more likely than not they’ll say the 1980s. While the great films and unique artistic developments of other decades can’t be discounted, the 80s saw a surge of horror filmmaking and creativity that forever impacted...
When our fearless leaders, Jon and Kim, saw Starfish at this year’s Fantastic Fest, they were quite confused, to say the least. When I saw the post-apocalyptic cosmic horror the week after, I also struggled to wrap my head around the story. I had no idea what to ask director...