Prepare to be petrified as we embark on a bone-chilling exploration of the best Stephen King horror movies of all...
The high school prom is supposed to be a magical night filled with love, laughter, and memories. But in the...
In a world where horror films often tread familiar ground, Outpost emerges as a breath of fresh air, taking audiences on an unsettling journey through the untouched forests of northern Idaho. Written and directed by comedic actor and secret lifelong horror fan Joe Lo Truglio (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) in his feature...
It’s Alive! IT’S ALIVE!! Join your horror hosts Kim & Jon as they embark on the next monsterific segment of...
Mother, May I, the subtle possession thriller and feature debut from writer/director Laurence Vannicelli, is not your typical possession film....
There are few two-word combos that ensnare me faster than “Bigfoot Movie”. Like the big man himself, they come in all shapes and sizes and there’s just no good reason to turn down an opportunity to see a new filmmaker’s spin on the elusive cryptid. Aaron Mirtes’ The Bigfoot Trap follows...
A secluded bachelorette turns into the girls night from Hell in Spider One and Krsy Fox’s Bury The Bride. Starring...
Panic Fest is one of the best damn genre film festivals in the United States, but don’t take our word...
The character of Renfield has been an ever-present antagonist horror genre for centuries, and his story has been told and retold in countless ways. From his literature days in Bram Stoker‘s 1897 novel Dracula to more modern interpretations, Renfield has been portrayed as a tragic figure who is both victim and villain. This article...
Are you ready for a fresh take on the classic tale of Dracula? The upcoming film release of Renfield promises...
Hands up if religious horror is your bag. I’m assuming everyone is waving their paws excitedly in the air? Good!...
Horror movie aficionados, buckle up! We’re only 3 months down in 2023, and we’ve already been treated to some amazing horror movies in 2023. But we’ve still got a ways to go, and it’s shaping up to be a spine-tingling year for horror enthusiasts! From sequels to requels to brand-new...