100%SCORETHE MONKEY Review: Osgood Perkins’ Hilariously Twisted Horror Comedy is the Best King Adaptation in 40 Years
65%SCOREDIDN’T DIE Review: Don’t Let A Pesky Nuisance Like A Zombie Apocalypse Stop You From Podcasting [Sundance 2025]
90%SCOREReviewsCHAINSAWS WERE SINGING Review: A Brilliantly Stupid Slapstick Slasher Musical #FantasiaFestDescribed as “Monty Python meets The Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets Les Miserables” Chainsaws Were Singing is a truly insane movie for absolutely...Read More >>
100%SCORETHE MONKEY Review: Osgood Perkins’ Hilariously Twisted Horror Comedy is the Best King Adaptation in 40 Years