The Queen of Hollywood Blvd is a stylish homage to grindhouse crime film that stands out as a visually stunning...
A splatterfest as unabashed and freewheeling as punk itself, The Ranger is a smart and inventive examination of genre and...
The indie survival film Mohawk is an violent cat and mouse game of revenge, colonialism, and the casualties of war. The film follows a young Mohawk warrior and her two lovers on the run from a group of American soldiers hot on their trail. Taking place over a bloody 24-hour period during the...
Still/Born is new independent horror movie that has been making waves on the film festival circuit, taking home awards such as...
Super Bowl LII supplied viewers with three unexpected things this past Sunday: bad commercials, a win for the Eagles, and...
Going to parties can be a bit distressing; the pressure to interact with strangers and to waste your money on alcohol (or other substances) is enough to make you instead spend your weekend in bed and binge-watch the same shows you’ve watched a million times. Now imagine if some maniac...
Admittedly, I’m a bit of a Scrooge when it comes to the holidays. Irony is, there are so many Christmas...
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