Election season has enough drama to fill a horror movie, so why not embrace it with films that explore the...
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Let’s talk about the annual flood of Halloween horror movie lists that don’t even include actual Halloween movies. You know...
The harvest moon has lit the October night sky, and the spirits have become restless. Spooky season is in full...
Time Travel! Alternate Dimensions! Sex! Murder! Wardrobes! These are the elements of Yannis Veslemes’ psychologically Lovecraftian mind-bender She Loved Blossoms...
People are at their most vulnerable when they are asleep, and that vulnerability is the cornerstone of creeping dread in...
I like my Horror Meta. Especially when it’s HEAVY Meta 🤘*cue the explosions* *turn the guitars up to 11* *crowd...
As the sweltering heat of summer begins to fade and the days grow shorter, there’s an unmistakable shift in the...
Pills, porno, Pokemon cards – THE THREE P’s! Mysterious Ways reminds us there’s more to faith than avoiding these sins...