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[Podcast] Nightmare Alley: In Conversation with Steven Kostanski, Writer/Director of PG: PSYCHO GOREMAN


Welcome back to Nightmare Alley, the spooky sidestreet podcast in the Nightmare on Film Street feed! This week, your horror hosts Jon & Kim are joined by writer & director Steven Kostanski (The Void) to chat about the making of his outlandish, video store era gorefest PG: Psycho Goreman. Equal parts Saturday morning cartoon and midnight madness, PG: Psycho Goreman is the story of an unstoppable alien warrior, unearthed and controlled by a headstrong little girl. And more than that, it’s a 100cc injection of blood-splattered fun into the dour, depressing landscape of modern horror! Join uss..


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January 21st, 2021


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