Here at Nightmare on Film Street, we pride ourselves on focusing on the positive qualities of the horror that surrounds...
It took millions of years of evolution for homo sapiens to become the dominant species. But if other animal species...
This month at Nightmare On Film Street is Hot As Hell. We’re talking all about that warm place down in the basement and all the creatures that come out of it. We’re all probably going to Hell for liking horror movies, but if you follow the advice of my friend...
Hear me out: every musical genre has a vampire film to match it. Bela Lugosi’s OG Dracula pairs with something...
At one point or another, we have all found ourselves laying on the bedroom floor, staring up at the ceiling,...
Computers break down, pizza dough rises and spinning roundhouse kicks fly high in the one-of-a-kind psychedelic spy flick Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway. A follow up to his Jodorowsky-inspired debut Crumbs, director Miguel Llansó blends various genres of cinema into a quirky and zany work of art....
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