We are currently witnessing a fourth industrial revolution, where artificial intelligence is on its way to surpassing its human inventors....
Chelsea Stardust has had a pretty killer year. She’s had not one, but two feature-length projects come to fruition. With...
It’s a tired saying by now, but it’s accurate nonetheless – we are as divided as ever. But what is it that defines our intense divisiveness? More so, what would happen if someday, someone threw a match on the powder-keg that is our high strung society? Red Letter Day weaves...
The Drone is the latest horror comedy from Zombeavers (2014) director Jordan Rubin. The premise is simple: a serial killer’s...
Think zom-coms are dead? Think again. The horror genre has witnessed consistent waves of zombified villains since Victor Halperin first...
Director. Writer. Actor. Artist. Journalist. When it comes to the horror genre, the craft of quality filmmaking is found in the hands of a very particular person: the fan. David Weiner has worn many hats throughout his illustrious career, but horror audiences are lucky enough to catch him currently donning...
As fans, we know that creating an effectively scary horror film is a near miracle. It is also rare to...
Taika Waititi’s Jojo Rabbit celebrated it’s US Premiere at the 2019 Fantastic Film Festival, wrapping audiences in a warm and...
There is something every horror fan understands – the world needs to laugh at terrible things. Not a horror film at all, but a darkly whimsical satire, Jojo Rabbit forces the world to laugh at very real, very terrible things. With its corners softened and warning sweetened with comedy, writer/director...
In the face of prevalent everyday violence, desperate people search from something to blame. Grasping at straws, they blame video...
On a stormy night recently, I revisited Clue (1985), an essential dark comedy and murder mystery based on the popular...
What would you do to ensure your family’s financial security? Steal? Lie? Murder? In Bong Joon-Ho’s Parasite, he asks this very question as a destitute Korean family tries to climb their way to some semblance of economic success. But to achieve that success, they must lie and cheat their way...