The Drone is the latest horror comedy from Zombeavers (2014) director Jordan Rubin. The premise is simple: a serial killer’s...
Psychological horror is an often overused label, but the new indie horror The Dead Center is the rare bird that...
Making a feature-length episode of Into The Dark for Blumhouse and Hulu is no game. Paul Davis (Into The Dark: The Body) returns as the director for Uncanny Annie, the October episode that has jumpstarted both the Halloween season as well as the second round of the year-long holiday anthology...
She Never Died is the “sister sequel” to He Never Died, which starred punk icon Henry Rollins (Suck, Lost Highway)...
Think zom-coms are dead? Think again. The horror genre has witnessed consistent waves of zombified villains since Victor Halperin first...
Writer-director Jason DeVan’s Along Came the Devil, was released only last year, hitting the horror community with its slow-drip pacing, which relied heavily on clever sleight-of-hand and creepy practical effects. The film was met with mixed responses but featured a killer twist ending that left space for a perfect segue...
Director. Writer. Actor. Artist. Journalist. When it comes to the horror genre, the craft of quality filmmaking is found in...
With the massive popularity of IT (2017) and IT Chapter Two (2019), it’s hard to remember that just a few years...
As a fervent fan of anything Alien (1979), I was initially sceptical about Director Alexandre O. Philippe’s documentary, Memory: The Origins of Alien. I was doubtful in the way a fine art collector would raise his eyebrows in suspicion, and tut under his breath as a deranged outsider claimed that he had an original...
The rate at which Shudder continues to deliver exclusive films is both impressive and exciting for horror fans looking for...
Horror Anthologies are hard to nail. Though always entertaining and delightful, few can hold enough steam to carry an audience...
When you think of the least threatening forms of entertainment, board games are likely to be at the top part of the list. Games like Monopoly, Clue, Battleship, Scrabble, and even Dungeons & Dragons are simple remedies for your average stationary boredom. You’d never expect a sinister force to awaken...