The deep, dark well containing religion and faith is one that horror finds itself returning to again and again. Films...
The set-up for Willy’s Wonderland is wild. Directed by Kevin Lewis, the film centers around a defunct Chuck E. Cheese-type...
When the Wachowskis first unleased The Matrix in 1999, the ideas and theories it posited blew mainstream society’s collective mind. Despite being around in one form or another for centuries, its hyper-stylized, expertly executed and Keanu-infused presentation of simulation theory injected new life and energy into the hypothesis. As conversations...
Anything for Jackson is one of those films that calmly takes the tried and true exorcism and possession sub-genres and...
Just in time for spooky season, director Timothy Woodward Jr. (The Final Wish) has released his latest film, The Call....
Just like the inevitable grains of sand in your shoe after a trip to the beach, Jeffrey A. Brown’s debut feature film The Beach House is a viewing experience that lingers long after the credits have rolled. Lulling the audience in with it’s familiar setting, serene color palette and endearingly...
[Exclusive Interview] PORNO Composer Carla Patullo on Creating The Film’s Unique and Seductive Sound
The bewitching allure of Fangoria’s latest film Porno has been tantalizing and teasing audiences since it first hit the festival...
[Exclusive Interview] THE WRETCHED Composer Devin Burrows Talks About Casting The Film’s Sonic Spell
While watching IFC Midnight’s new film The Wretched, a few things quickly become obvious. For one, a good summertime horror...
Some people collect stamps. Others collect books, records or mini slasher action figures. And then there’s Nathan Barr. Along with collecting TV and film composing credits, he also possesses a fascinating array of rare, unique and historically important musical instruments. Some collection highlights include a human bone trumpet, a rare...
There’s something so beautiful and enticing about the idea of leaving it all behind to chase down big city dreams...
Moving into a new home is such an exciting time. Figuring out where everything goes and creating new routines allows...
A mysterious box shows up at your house with an even more mysterious note. Before you know it you’re trapped in a room with six strangers fighting for $1 million dollars…and your life. If you happen to find yourself in this situation you just may be in the new movie...