Real estate and home ownership have fueled horror for as long as humans have told ghost stories. The dream of...
Keola Racela’s feature film debut Porno pits a group of innocent Christian teenagers against an evil unleashed in their local movie...
Friendship is hard. This is a fact that director Rob Grant knows very well as seen in his latest film, Harpoon, which recently screened at Fantasia 2019. It is a film about underlying resentment, rivalries, jealousy, and toxic masculinity disguised under the very thin veil of just three friends going...
Time travel movies are either extremely self-serious or expectedly goofy. Sci-fi films such as Looper and Predestination are dark action...
There’s nothing like a good werewolf movie to help you ring in the foggy, full moon season. I’ll take a...
Three years ago writer/director Jill Gevargizian made waves with a short film that featured a tortured hairstylist taking more than a little off the top. Expanding on that short, Gevargizian’s debut feature The Stylist celebrated it’s world premiere at Celebration of Fantastic Fest 2020, gracing audiences with a gory look...
If you don’t like movies that give you anxiety, or stories that put children in danger, you’re going to want...
Panic Fest is one of the best damn genre film festivals in the United States, but don’t take our word...