Feral is the latest genre flick seeking to stretch its found footage muscle. Rather than opting for a grainy hand-held...
Colin Minihan’s What Keeps You Alive is a film that doesn’t let up. The intense cat-and-mouse thriller from IFC Midnight...
Many of us have spent most of our school years daydreaming and scribbling in our math books. Hell, most of us still daydream and doodle at our office job. But few of us have actually followed our dreams. Mike Mort has finally produced his passion project; a stop-motion feature-length film...
The German possession film Luz celebrated it’s North American premiere July 20, at the the 2018 Fantasia film festival. Writer/Director were welcomed...
There are many things to love about Aislinn Clarke. She is the very first woman to direct a feature-length horror...
If Wes Craven’s Scream has taught us anything, it’s that if you don’t respect the rules, you will not survive. Feral is a film that rebels against all rules of horror survival in exchange for a blood infested nightmare where the odds are against, well, everyone. Yet as the movie attempts...
In 1987 The Monster Squad introduced a generation of young horror fans to the Universal Monsters. For those kids (yourself included I...
The Overlook Film Festival takes scary very seriously, and it came as a small shock to attendees when the Jury...
There’s been a lot of discussion in the horror community of late on ‘what defines horror‘. Where we once were outcasts, shadowed by more glamorous genres, our creepy little genre is now ‘in vogue’. Horror audiences are a passionate bunch, and perhaps in an effort to protect our once niche macabre...
The Ranger is an unabashedly fun and clever new slasher from director Jenn Wexler. The film has been making waves...
The Queen of Hollywood Blvd is a stylish homage to grindhouse crime film that stands out as a visually stunning...
History can be just as horrifying as any monster flick on the silver screen. Just turn on the news or read a history book, and you’re sure to discover some of humanity’s darkest moments. History is often written by the conquerors, so it’s rare to hear a story from the...