I feel a certain pride when talking about directors from Quebec; Xavier Dolan and Denis Villeneuve are a few names...
Insidious: The Last Key marks the fourth installment in Blumhouse’s Insidious franchise. Directed by Adam Robitel (The Taking of Deborah Logan), with a script...
Once upon a time, way back in 2004, a then relatively unknown James Wan made his directorial debut with a little film called Saw. The film rocked the horror world and was an instant hit in the genre. Since then, the Saw universe has continued to grow, expand and ask...
Part crime thriller, part psychological horror, Charismata is a dark, atmospheric mystery with a tinge of gallows humor as the...
After garnering much buzz on the festival circuit, we were finally able to catch THE ENDLESS at last night’s screening...
Horror loves a whodunnit. And, teen solo slasher Happy Death Day prepares to deliver a slice. Yes, we’re only one sentence in and I’ve already served up a cake pun. Two puns. I’ll stop. Happy Death Day dares to follow in the mammoth footsteps of both the wildly and not-so successful ventures...
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