Since its inception, Netflix’s original series Black Mirror has pushed the boundaries on exploring humanity and its connection to evolved...
Hell Fest is a movie in which your darkest fears come to life. The traveling amusement park brings the best haunted...
Halloween is right around the corner and for a lot of people, that means one thing: haunted houses and mazes. The majority of attractions are non-contact and perfectly safe. But what if the scares were real? What if the killer stalking you through a maze was actually trying to kill...
Hell Fest is an upcoming slasher flick set in an amusement park that people have been buzzing about all summer....
Predator has been uniting action fanatics and horror fiends since 1987, with the titular character being one of the most...
As we count down the remaining days of summer, there’s something else we fiends are counting down to – Halloween. The party really starts October 1st, the first official day of 31 Days of Halloween! What is 31 Days of Halloween? Why it’s the creepiest tailgate ever – in which...
Something interesting: The vast majority of horror movies and thrillers are set in the past. Partially due to nostalgia being...
I’m going to preface this review by saying I was not alive in the 70’s, and did not get the...
I typically toss the ‘on-screen‘ or ‘desktop‘ sub-genre of horror films in alongside my Found Footage categorization. Though both employ similar tactics in their formatting, trying to evoke a ‘this is totally real and not at all fictionalized‘ experience, I always held the firm belief that ‘on screen’ movies were...
Leatherface is the brand new prequel to a brutal slasher franchise spawned by a little film called The Texas Chain Saw...
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