Plunging into the shadowy waters of cinematic history, Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) emerges not just as a film but as a phenomenon that has captivated the imaginations of horror enthusiasts and film buffs alike for seven decades. Celebrating its 70-year legacy, this masterpiece has swum far beyond its...
Benjamin Edelman and Manual Camilion’s Santastein delivers a comedic and bloody Christmas riff on the classic tale of Frankenstein. Laced with laughs...
You’ve seen “Onyx The Fortuitous” on Youtube where he hijacks news reports with his odd personality and motormouth. Now he is coming to the big screen with his full-length feature Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls, written, directed and starring Andrew Bowser, based on his internet-famous character also...
Welcome to a world where terror meets the vibrant hue of magenta! In this list, we celebrate the mesmerizing and blood-curdling genre of pink horror movies. These films bring together the captivating intensity of horror with a touch of rosy surrealism with a vibrant color palette. Get ready to immerse...
Step into the wild and wacky world of trashy 80s horror movies, where outrageousness and entertainment go hand in hand. These films may not have won critical acclaim, but they are undeniably a bloody good time. From deranged killers to bizarre creatures, these campy delights deliver thrills, spills, and plenty...