While horror has delved into the subconscious waters of our dreams many times before, director Anthony Scott Burns (Our House)...
When you think of the least threatening forms of entertainment, board games are likely to be at the top part...
The ever-changing LA set thriller 1BR celebrated its world premiere at the 2019 Fantasia Film Festival where Montreal’s cult obsessed were shown a nightmare vision of one girl’s struggle to make it in the big city. written and directed by David Marmor, 1BR stars Naomi Grossman (American Horror Story), Taylor Nichols (Jurassic...
Since its world premiere at the 2018 Fantastic Fest, critics and horror fans have been buzzing about Richard Shepard’s horror...
A last-minute addition to the 2018 Fantastic Fest schedule, Richard Shepard’s The Perfection was definitely not a hard decision. Fitting right...