Tilman Singer premiered his hypnotic debut feature Luz at the 2017 Fantasia Film Festival to critical acclaim and he returns this year...
Tilman Singer, emerging as a distinctive voice in the horror genre with his debut, Luz (2018), is set to captivate...
On the 200 year anniversary of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, veteran horror director Larry Fessenden set out to retell the story in a modern setting, with a completely unique approach. Unlike so many of the film adaptations that places the doctor and his struggles at the forefront of the story, Fessenden’s Depraved is...
The German possession film Luz celebrated it’s North American premiere July 20, at the the 2018 Fantasia film festival. Writer/Director were welcomed...
Luz is a unique take on the possession sub-genre that has long been waiting for a refresh. I’m a big...