Since its inception, Netflix’s original series Black Mirror has pushed the boundaries on exploring humanity and its connection to evolved...
Slice is a small movie with big dreams and aspirations. It’s the directorial debut of first time director Austin Vesely,...
Isolation and video games go hand-in-hand. Spending hours absorbed into a game with no company other than a joystick can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, the detachment from the world can bring a sense of security and bliss, while the other can result in detaching...
If you ever worked in an office, then you know that feeling: Sitting at a desk, closed off in a...
Director Joe Lynch wears the epithet “deranged” like a badge of honor. His newest movie Mayhem is evidence of that,...
It’s kill or be killed in Game of Death. The film is little bit Belko Experiment, a little bit Hunger Games, and a little bit of none of those. In similar fashion to Beyond the Gates, a mysterious board game has gone awry. Consequences quickly become dire, and the countdown is on. The...
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