Are you tired of films that take themselves too seriously? Do you crave cinematic experiences that combine horror, humor, and...
229 results for
making a monster
Hold on to your camcorders, horror buffs! We’re delving into the shaky, grainy, panic-inducing world of found footage films. From...
Horror movies are known for their ability to scare us, make us jump out of our seats, and occasionally, make...
Little Roadstop of Horrors: 10 Horror Movie Pit Stops and Roadside Attractions to Avoid At All Costs
Buckle up, horror fiends, as we embark on a spine-chilling road trip through the most dreadful pit stops and roadside...
A secluded bachelorette turns into the girls night from Hell in Spider One and Krsy Fox’s Bury The Bride. Starring...
Are you ready for a fresh take on the classic tale of Dracula? The upcoming film release of Renfield promises...
Powered by RedCircle DESCRIPTION It’s the return of the remake this week on the horror movie podcast for the...
Ghostface returns this weekend in Scream VI and his/her/their (who knows!) reign of terror has expanded out from the quiet, sleepy...