In a special 40th-anniversary episode of the Nightmare on Film Street podcast, Heather Langenkamp, who famously portrayed Nancy Thompson in...
In a world that often celebrates the conventional and the mainstream, there’s something to be said for those who don’t...
DESCRIPTION Nightmare on Film Street has survived the Midwest! Join your horror hosts Kim & Jon as they recount their favorite horror films of Panic Fest 2022. Come to get the lowdown on the hot hot horrors on the festival circuit, and to find out what film we so eloquently...
Welcome to Episode 3 of Nightmare on Film Street’s NEVER SLEEP AGAIN Series! Through 9 grueling episodes, we’ll be covering...
Hi-De-Ho! Ha-Ha-Ha As we wait in anticipation of the new Child’s Play TV series (aptly named Chucky) coming this year, what...
With its impressive film library and unabashed passion for the genre, it would seem Shudder is perfectly poised to produce top tier horror documentaries. Thankfully for horror fans, the streaming service agrees. Shudder takes the original doc plunge on February 7th, with Horror Noire. The film is a deep dive...