A Quiet Place has finally invaded movie theatres, scaring moviegoers worldwide. It’s a lot to ask for audiences to sit in...
There’s a lot of mystery and wonderment that permeates the night sky. Opportunities and potential seem to be woven into...
Last week, a bunch of high-ranking military officials went before the US Congress and admitted that the government has been aware of the existence of aliens and that remains of extraterrestrials had been recovered from UFO crash sites. But the public at large was relatively unphased by this news because...
We’re caught in the countryside this week on the Nightmare on Film Street horror movie podcast with modern sci-fi scare...
Multihyphenate Graham Skipper returns to the Chattanooga Film Festival with his newest feature The Lonely Man With The Ghost Machine–...
I want to believe. I’ve always wanted to believe, but after a lifetime of “research” and reading into what I’m reading it’s easy to assume that there are probably no aliens or flying saucers. It’s more likely secret government projects with experimental technology BUT! every once in a while, you...
We’re breaking open the classified documents on this week’s episode of the Nightmare on Film Street Horror Movie Podcast, diving...
This week on the Nightmare on Film Street podcast we explore a close encounter of the 4th kind as depicted...