In Diego Freitas’ directorial debut My Dead Ones, Nicolas Prattes plays a shy film student named Davi. He spends most...
In Sao Paulo, a city already rife with poverty, death and corruption, an ancient evil will be awakened, bringing destruction...
Hungry for a spooky series to binge? This past weekend Netflix released the international series Spectros (2020), a TV-MA Brazilian ghost story set in the Liberdade neighborhood of São Paulo. From writer/director/creator Douglas Petrie comes this spooky story centered around three teens. Pardal (Danilo Mesquita), a young, street-tough yet troubled...
What does it take to be a good horror antagonist? A supernatural element? Any serial killer flick will tell you...
Dead men tell no tales, but they do take some interesting secrets to the grave. Brazilian writer and director Dennison...