Step into the mesmerizing world of Peter Cushing, the legendary actor whose name is synonymous with captivating performances and unforgettable...
I love a good haunted house film — the genre is my ghost loving horror fan addiction. But as rich...
Which came first, Jaws or the summer monster movie? Of course, a film historian would point out that Jaws was the first really big monster movie intended for warm weather and drive-ins, but haven’t we known that long before 1975? There’s something so natural, so right about watching Human Vs....
Three hired guns find themselves in over their heads after a routine rescue mission goes from bad to worse in...
The month of April is the benchmark of many pleasantries, but this time around the start of spring is also...
Wounds are bloody voids surrounded by torn and ruined flesh, an empty space that serves as a reminder of pain, no matter how brief. That emptiness may seem trivial, but in Babak Anvari’s (Under the Shadow) film, literally named Wounds, injuries serve a higher purpose. Based on Nathan Billingrud’s short...
After a seemingly endless parade of false starts, fans of the beloved horror comic series Locke & Key finally have...
Continuing to build up the stories of its collection, literally and figuratively, Blumhouse and Amazon Studios’ chilling series Welcome To...
Making a laugh-filled comedy with heart is next to impossible, and making a truly disturbing horror film can be a herculean feat, but making a horror-comedy that does both? Well now, that is a near miracle. I am pleased to tell you, Tony West (The Soup) has done just that...
More than any other genre, horror can serve as a workshop for filmmakers. Its tropes and beats are very familiar,...
There are few horrors so iconic, so jaw-droppingly terrifying, that they have eclipsed the entire horror genre. Constantly compared, credited,...
RRRRing, rrring! Ah, the sound of an innocent phone call… until it becomes the harbinger of unspeakable terror. Horror films have a way of turning the mundane into the macabre, and one particularly bone-chilling element they’ve mastered is the art of horror movie phone calls. In this hair-raising piece, we’ll...