Jeremy Saulnier’s cold, brooding film Hold The Dark premiered to eager audience in the hot swelter of Austin’s Fantastic Fest 2018. Saulnier...
Being a true horror fan means developing a certain taste for trashy cinema. It’s like cheap beer; you know it’s...
Ahockalypse conjures a unique breed of the zombie-comedy genre into interesting territory, blending horror, comedy and sports. Merging the bloody-fisted punches of Goon (2011) with the parody of Shaun of the Dead (2004), Ahockalypse disregards the allusions and instead offers a more explicit approach to delivering its raunchy humor. Hence the play...
Deep in the great Canadian North, no one can hear you scream. You can either fight whatever wishes to kill...
Luz is a unique take on the possession sub-genre that has long been waiting for a refresh. I’m a big...
If Wes Craven’s Scream has taught us anything, it’s that if you don’t respect the rules, you will not survive. Feral is a film that rebels against all rules of horror survival in exchange for a blood infested nightmare where the odds are against, well, everyone. Yet as the movie attempts...
A splatterfest as unabashed and freewheeling as punk itself, The Ranger is a smart and inventive examination of genre and...
Film director David Chirchirillo’s latest feature, Bad Match, has garnered quite a bit of attention since its initial release in...
Somewhere, in the underlining story of Hellraiser: Judgment, there’s a good idea. In its brisk 81 minutes, which somehow manages to doubly bore with its police procedural knockoff and apparent obsession with Cenobite bureaucracy, there is at least the foundation of something that could have made for a truly compelling...
Super Bowl LII supplied viewers with three unexpected things this past Sunday: bad commercials, a win for the Eagles, and...
Insidious: The Last Key marks the fourth installment in Blumhouse’s Insidious franchise. Directed by Adam Robitel (The Taking of Deborah Logan), with a script...
If you ever worked in an office, then you know that feeling: Sitting at a desk, closed off in a cubicle, realizing you’re wasting your life for a company that doesn’t care about you and that you’ve become everything you hated as a teenager. The only thing that gets you...