In the heart of an impenetrable forest, a solitary park ranger named Lennon (portrayed by Georgina Campbell, who horror fans...
Werewolf films are amongst the most beloved subgenres of horror, ranging from the iconic that shine under the light of...
The name ‘Blood Moon’ sounds like another needless deviation to arrive following a tumultuous 2020 that continues to bleed into 2021, but it is actually a pretty fascinating occurrence. Setting the scene for Blumhouse and Hulu’s holiday horror anthology and the season finale of Into The Dark, this year’s total...
Audiences are not often exposed to the harsh realities of pregnancy, but director Emma Tammi is familiar with the sobering...
Pregnancy and motherhood can be a blessing for many, but for some it can be a curse as explored in...
Before even seeing The Wind, it had already garnered originality points. A slow and subtle period piece, described as a “Horror Western”. I’d booked my screening with TIFF before the trailer had even dropped, so I essentially pictured The Others with Nicole Kidman trading out a set of skeleton keys...