The 2018 Overlook Film Festival was proud to host the world premieres of several highly anticipated films this year. Among...
Pizza, Satan, and secret societies. I’m hard-pressed to think of a horror-cocktail more universally inviting. It’s no surprise Chelsea Stardust’s...
Chelsea Stardust’s Satanic Panic recently celebrated its world premiere at the 2019 Overlook Film Festival in New Orleans. The second film released under the Fangoria brand, Satanic Panic is written by Grady Hendrix (Paperbacks From Hell) & Ted Geoghegan (Mohawk), and stars Rebecca Romijn (X-Men), Ruby Modine (Happy Death Day), Hayley...
Travis Stevens’ Girl On The Third Floor takes the classic haunted house framework and weaves an original story that pulls...
We’ve been overloading you here at Nightmare on Film Street with our film coverage and reviews of the 2019 Overlook...
Andrew Patterson’s The Vast of Night was the sleeper hit of the 2019 Overlook Film Festival. While the film celebrated its world premiere at Slamdance earlier this year with rave reviews, it flew under almost everyone’s radar and took home the festival Jury Prize for Best Feature. Nightmare on Film...
I’ll Take Your Dead from Black Fawn Films tells the tale of William (Aidan Devine, TV’s Impulse), a widower raising...
Barbara Crampton is a name synonymous with some of the biggest cult-hit films like Re-Animator, From Beyond, Chopping Mall, Beyond...
Joe Begos’ VFW came barreling down on Fantastic Fest 2019 like a grizzled and gory gang fight that very nearly crumbled the building after an unrelenting marathon of mayhem. The latest film to be released under the Fangoria label, VFW is one of two movies Joe Begos has at this...
Director. Writer. Actor. Artist. Journalist. When it comes to the horror genre, the craft of quality filmmaking is found in...
Chelsea Stardust has had a pretty killer year. She’s had not one, but two feature-length projects come to fruition. With...
[Exclusive Interview] PORNO Composer Carla Patullo on Creating The Film’s Unique and Seductive Sound
The bewitching allure of Fangoria’s latest film Porno has been tantalizing and teasing audiences since it first hit the festival circuit last year. Directed by Keola Racela, Porno conjures up a potent cocktail of humor, horror, gore and nostalgia. With its sharp wit, writing and performances, Porno is a perfectly...