In Vincent Must Die (Vincent Doit Mourir), director Stéphan Castang weaves a tale of a man’s life turned into a...
Think you’ve seen it all? I hope you’ve got a strong stomach, because there are plenty of disturbing, vile, and...
Are you tired of scrolling aimlessly through Netflix, trying to find the perfect horror movie to watch? That’s the worst. Look no further, as we’ve compiled a list of 10 horror movies on Netflix that you probably haven’t seen yet. From supernatural ghosts to cannibalistic vampires, these films will satiate...
Are you tired of scrolling through endless options on Amazon Prime without finding anything compelling enough to commit? Look no...
I don’t know about you, but I am always on the lookout for a super f*cked-up horror movie that I...
French filmmaker Pascal Laugier’s newest film finally gets wide US release today through VOD. Ghostland (sometimes referred to as Incident In A Ghost Land) is his first film in six years and is a return both to horror and France since his iconic 2008 film, Martyrs. Like Martyrs, this film...
There’s been a lot of discussion in the horror community of late on ‘what defines horror‘. Where we once were...