Multihyphenate Graham Skipper returns to the Chattanooga Film Festival with his newest feature The Lonely Man With The Ghost Machine–...
Hold onto your butts Lovecraft fans, Joe Lynch and Barbara Crampton are taking you back to Miskatonic in the upcoming...
As the telltale chill of fall begins to haunt the breeze and scratch at the senses, a power is reawakened. Crawling out of the dark recesses of summer, this new and powerful vision for what is to come emerges with potency and fervor. Reviled by some, embraced by others, the...
We are currently witnessing a fourth industrial revolution, where artificial intelligence is on its way to surpassing its human inventors....
To say that Bliss breaks the vampire movie mold is a hilarious understatement. Bliss shatters that mold, shreds it into...
You know what people never talk about when it comes to vampires? How quiet they are. Think about it. Beyond the occasional screaming supervillain at the end of a Blade or Underworld, vampires are pretty softspoken folk. It adds to their dangerous, gothic charm, right? Bela Lugosi’s accent would sound...
Who says the season of scares ends after Halloween? When you really think about it, Christmas is terrifying. And the...
Isolation and video games go hand-in-hand. Spending hours absorbed into a game with no company other than a joystick can...