What would you do if a large sum of money randomly dropped onto your lap? Would you question where it...
I’m going to preface this review by saying I was not alive in the 70’s, and did not get the...
There are many things to love about Aislinn Clarke. She is the very first woman to direct a feature-length horror film from Northern Ireland. She’s a huge Stephen King fan. She’s a lifelong, dedicated horror fanatic and The Devil’s Doorway is her feature directorial debut. The film was picked up by...
The German possession film Luz celebrated it’s North American premiere July 20, at the the 2018 Fantasia film festival. Writer/Director were welcomed...
Few horror films get touted as truly terrifying these days. We’re all either desensitized by violence.. or deterred by Twitter...
“Who suffers by his ill whims? Himself, always.” The lines of Charles Dickens’ dark classic tale of holiday spirit, A Christmas Carol, continue to inspire thought and ignite emotion come the Christmas season. Hulu’s Into The Dark series has released its own dark Christmas story, but has replaced the dreadful Jacob Marley apparition...
‘What does it sound like when a computer dreams? And what does it sound like when a computer has a...
Mandao (pronounced “Man-Day-Oh”) of the Dead is a true indie horror with colorful, wildly quirky characters. They are likable from...
We all have a certain image of how a member of a satanic cult might look like, thanks to movies like Rosemary’s Baby and Hereditary. You might think they meet secretly in dark robes to sacrifice goats and drink the blood of infants. Well, you would be half-right. Penny Lane’s...
Brandon Christensen’s Still/Born was named Scariest Feature at the 2017 Overlook Film Festival. His second feature Z celebrated its world premiere at the...
Two films deep, I’m pretty sure we can crown Ari Aster with the [Paimon] crown as king of grief-stricken cinema....
Here’s the thing about parasites: when it comes to the movies, they just don’t die. In that sense, you might be hesitant to board Neasa Hardiman’s Sea Fever which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival Friday, September 6. It curious how the small-scale body horror flick can infect audiences...