From the minds of Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, Heretic starts strong, cooking up a tension-filled thriller with a faith-based...
Smile 2 brings back the eerie grins and skincrawling suspense from the first film but amps it up with stronger...
In the crammed video aisle of supernatural horror films, the introduction of a villainous teddy bear in Imaginary might initially raise more eyebrows than pulse rates. Directed with a keen eye for the absurd by Jeff Wadlow (director of NOFS fave Cry_Wolf) and penned by the trio of Wadlow, Greg...
All aboard! Our destination? The mysterious and infamous Queen Mary ocean-liner in California, a ship with a storied history. Once...
Step into the twisted but beautiful reality of Influencer, where social media’s shiny veneer is peeled back to expose the...
M Night Shyamalan’s Knock at the Cabin promises the end of the world ..and not much else. The film follows a loving family, queer couple Eric (Jonathan Groff) & Andrew (Ben Aldridge) and their adopted daughter Wen (Kristen Cui), who must confront a group of end-of-the-world cultists that invade their...
Poe is a hard nut to crack. An enigmatic figure of melancholic prose with a life (and death) as dark...
[#PanicFest2022 Review] Youtubers Encounter Ancient Evil in Found Footage Fright MALIBU HORROR STORY
I’m a sucker for a good title, and Malibu Horror Story lands in that perfect sweet spot between ‘this is...
Nyla Innuksuk’s Slash/Back is an alien-infested sci-fi thriller set in a remote Innuit village of Nunavut, Canada. After encountering an alien creature while all the adults of a small fishing town are out partying, a group of young girls are forced to defend the world from these space invaders. Luckily, one of...
The tundra is a ripe spot for terror. And, an underutilized one at that. Boasting an expansive, underdeveloped landscape, isolation,...
Found footage is an acquired taste among horror fans. Some of us love it (meeee), and some of us absolutely...
I didn’t know I needed a horror movie about mean girls in my life, but boy did I. Few kids made it out of adolescence unscathed by the wounds of childhood hierarchy. Bullies, frenemies, cool kids pretending you don’t exist, pick your poison. And even though these spurns went down...