In the crammed video aisle of supernatural horror films, the introduction of a villainous teddy bear in Imaginary might initially...
All aboard! Our destination? The mysterious and infamous Queen Mary ocean-liner in California, a ship with a storied history. Once...
Step into the twisted but beautiful reality of Influencer, where social media’s shiny veneer is peeled back to expose the dark secrets lurking beneath. Directed by Kurtis David Harder, with a wickedly clever script co-written with Tesh Guttikonda, this thrilling ride takes us from idyllic Thailand landscapes to the unnerving...
M Night Shyamalan’s Knock at the Cabin promises the end of the world ..and not much else. The film follows...
Poe is a hard nut to crack. An enigmatic figure of melancholic prose with a life (and death) as dark...
[#PanicFest2022 Review] Youtubers Encounter Ancient Evil in Found Footage Fright MALIBU HORROR STORY
I’m a sucker for a good title, and Malibu Horror Story lands in that perfect sweet spot between ‘this is going to be bonkers’ or ‘this is going to be a steaming pile of yes please’. Add on the fact that Malibu Horror Story is told in a multimedia found...
Nyla Innuksuk’s Slash/Back is an alien-infested sci-fi thriller set in a remote Innuit village of Nunavut, Canada. After encountering an alien creature...
The tundra is a ripe spot for terror. And, an underutilized one at that. Boasting an expansive, underdeveloped landscape, isolation,...
Found footage is an acquired taste among horror fans. Some of us love it (meeee), and some of us absolutely detest it. The latter camp (even though they are utterly incorrect), often complains of low-level scares, not enough escalation with its horror elements, and being too stingy with its monsters....
I didn’t know I needed a horror movie about mean girls in my life, but boy did I. Few kids...
Hollywood’s Ed and Lorraine Warren have been through a lot. A run-in with an evil nun, an Annabelle doll that...
Chuck E. Cheese needs to be taken down a peg. I don’t have anything against the mouse personally, but his party house of screaming tots, low bathroom sinks, broken token dispensers, and cardboard pizza is pretty lame. But it’s also tacky-nostalgic, so every time my niece’s birthday rolls around, I’m...