In a special 40th-anniversary episode of the Nightmare on Film Street podcast, Heather Langenkamp, who famously portrayed Nancy Thompson in...
We celebrate the 40th anniversary of A Nightmare on Elm Street on a very special episode of the Nightmare on...
It’s not just the bad guys who have to watch their backs anymore. In the chilling wake of the new film Abigail, where a seemingly straightforward kidnapping spirals into a vampire-fueled frenzy, we’ve been inspired to delve into the murky depths of horror movies where it’s evil squaring off against...
We’re getting lost in the woods on this very special episode of the Nightmare on Film Street Horror Movie Podcast!...
I like heists. I like vampires. And well, I guess I also dig ballet now, too. Enter Abigail, who pirouettes...
If you’re famished for a unique twist on the classic “be careful what you wish for” storyline, Curse of the Sin Eater might just be the indie film to satiate your horror appetite. Directed by Justin Denton, known for his visually captivating projects in animation, live immersive theatre, and VR,...
If you thought babysitting was tough, try stopping the birth of the Antichrist. The First Omen sweeps you into a...
The Prank. Those delightful, seemingly harmless little tricks we play on others for a laugh. But tread carefully, for the...
This Easter, why settle for the same old pastel palette and benign bunnies when you can dive into the darker side of the holiday? Forget about the egg hunts and chocolate bunnies; we’re here to unearth the creepy, the crawly, and the downright terrifying easter horror movies that give a...
As we shake off the winter chill and leap into the vibrant embrace of spring, it’s time to rejuvenate our...
Get ready to clutch your rosaries and gasp your Hail Marys, because Immaculate has risen to theatres, proving itself to...
Who says you can’t scream in key? In the world of horror musicals, high notes meet high stakes, and every dance number could be your last. Buckle up, theater nerds and horror fiends, because we’re diving headfirst into the bizarre, exhilarating world of horror movie musicals. These aren’t your grandma’s...