It should be noted that Get My Gun is a rape-revenge, pure and simple. It’s important that you go into...
The subgenre of zombie horror has been beaten to death, then revived, only to be beaten to death once more....
Once upon a time, way back in 2004, a then relatively unknown James Wan made his directorial debut with a little film called Saw. The film rocked the horror world and was an instant hit in the genre. Since then, the Saw universe has continued to grow, expand and ask...
Admittedly, I’m a bit of a Scrooge when it comes to the holidays. Irony is, there are so many Christmas...
The dust may have settled from this year’s edition of Sundance, but we here at Nightmare on Film Street are...
For many, being or becoming a parent can be scary. For the young couple in Still/Born, parenthood is downright terrifying. Still/Born, the directorial debut from talented writer/director Brandon Christensen, is a wickedly fun horror romp with blood-pumping scares and shockingly smooth production. The film follows a couple trying to raise their newborn child...
Still/Born is new independent horror movie that has been making waves on the film festival circuit, taking home awards such as...
Though The Strangers: Prey At Night may be just as sadistic as its predecessor, it fell victim to the horror movie...
A Quiet Place has finally invaded movie theatres, scaring moviegoers worldwide. It’s a lot to ask for audiences to sit in through a film that is almost entirely silent, but it is that silence specifically that makes A Quiet Place a tension-fueled nightmare. If you’re still on the fence-post about seeing this movie...
Is there anything the horror community can agree on more than a good ole’ meta movie? Horror fans have spent...
Is there anything more terrifying to a teen girl than coming into adulthood? I think not. Cinema has often used...
Netflix Original Cargo is a surprising and refreshing remix of the post-apocalyptic zombie subgenre. Smart at times, but always with its heart on its sleeve. Going into any new zombie movie, you start with the assumption that there’s probably no way the film can deliver something fresh and unique. Sometimes...