Alex Garland’s Annihilation is a thought-provoking science fiction film in the vein of Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival and Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar. Adapted from Book One...
The indie survival film Mohawk is an violent cat and mouse game of revenge, colonialism, and the casualties of war. The film follows...
History can be just as horrifying as any monster flick on the silver screen. Just turn on the news or read a history book, and you’re sure to discover some of humanity’s darkest moments. History is often written by the conquerors, so it’s rare to hear a story from the...
Though The Strangers: Prey At Night may be just as sadistic as its predecessor, it fell victim to the horror movie...
Children of the Corn: Runaway is the tenth installment of the long running folk horror franchise that was started in...
Thoroughbreds is a nasty little thriller about two girls that conspire to murder an overbearing step-father. Estranged friends Amanda and Lily spend their days studying for the SAT and pushing the limits of what they each think they are capable of. Playing out on screen like a true-crime dramatization, our...
Film director David Chirchirillo’s latest feature, Bad Match, has garnered quite a bit of attention since its initial release in...
The Queen of Hollywood Blvd is an inspired love letter to 70’s crime films and grindhouse fare. But the film...
Revenge, the feature debut of French director Coralie Fargeat, is a miraculously visceral experience. It brilliantly reclaims the controversial exploitation subgenre of the rape-revenge film, all while delivering a stylish and thrilling bloodbath. Among horror and exploitation fare, the subgenre of the rape revenge film has always been especially divisive....
A splatterfest as unabashed and freewheeling as punk itself, The Ranger is a smart and inventive examination of genre and...
The Queen of Hollywood Blvd is a stylish homage to grindhouse crime film that stands out as a visually stunning...
A Quiet Place has finally invaded movie theatres, scaring moviegoers worldwide. It’s a lot to ask for audiences to sit in through a film that is almost entirely silent, but it is that silence specifically that makes A Quiet Place a tension-fueled nightmare. If you’re still on the fence-post about seeing this movie...