An economically struggling young woman is lured into the snare of a wealthy, mysterious man. She finds herself in an...
DESCRIPTION: Hot Patootie, Bless my Soul! We’re taking a trip over to the Frankenstein place on this week’s episode of...
It’s my birthday today, and I was inspired to curate this spine-chilling list of birthday horror movies! As I sat down to brainstorm what I’d be watching tonight to celebrate, I realized… there are a lot of birthday-themed horror movies. So I figured I’d share them with you, too! Whenever...
Movie streaming services are like restaurants. HBO Max is high-end dining, exclusive haute cuisine worth every penny. Amazon Prime is...
As a self-proclaimed horror movie aficionado, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that there is no greater...
Step into the sinister and stylish realm of Vincent Price, the maestro of macabre and the epitome of horror elegance. With his distinctive voice and unforgettable presence, Price has graced the screen in a plethora of fiendishly delightful films. In this list, we embark on a ghoulish adventure, exploring the...
10 classics of horror streaming free on Tubi now! Take a frightful journey!
5 Horror Movies to watch after seeing Malignant. You want recommendations, we’ve got ’em! Malignant has only been out for...