The indie survival film Mohawk is an violent cat and mouse game of revenge, colonialism, and the casualties of war. The film follows...
History can be just as horrifying as any monster flick on the silver screen. Just turn on the news or...
Though The Strangers: Prey At Night may be just as sadistic as its predecessor, it fell victim to the horror movie tropes the first film so mercilessly abandoned. When it was first released in 2008, The Strangers dropped like a punch in the gut. It was ruthless, unforgiving, the protagonists weren’t safe –...
Children of the Corn: Runaway is the tenth installment of the long running folk horror franchise that was started in...
Film director David Chirchirillo’s latest feature, Bad Match, has garnered quite a bit of attention since its initial release in...
The Queen of Hollywood Blvd is an inspired love letter to 70’s crime films and grindhouse fare. But the film goes beyond mere homage. It’s a moving character study in its own right, and much of this is due to the performance of Rosemary Hochschild in the lead role. The...
Revenge, the feature debut of French director Coralie Fargeat, is a miraculously visceral experience. It brilliantly reclaims the controversial exploitation...
A splatterfest as unabashed and freewheeling as punk itself, The Ranger is a smart and inventive examination of genre and...
The Queen of Hollywood Blvd is a stylish homage to grindhouse crime film that stands out as a visually stunning and emotionally rich thriller in its own right. The film had its world premiere at the Boston Underground Film Festival. We’re big fans of the film and can’t wait to...
A Quiet Place has finally invaded movie theatres, scaring moviegoers worldwide. It’s a lot to ask for audiences to sit in...
The Ranger is an unabashedly fun and clever new slasher from director Jenn Wexler. The film has been making waves...
From Magnolia Pictures, Sergio G. Sanchez’s directorial debut Marrowbone is out in select theatres and VOD today. Fans of modern ghosts tales will no doubt remember Sanchez as the writer of 2007’s The Orphange, produced by Guillermo Del Toro. The haunting tale of lives lived and lost stars George MacKay (11.22.63, Neil Gaiman’s Likely Stories),...