Ahockalypse conjures a unique breed of the zombie-comedy genre into interesting territory, blending horror, comedy and sports. Merging the bloody-fisted...
It takes a lot of guts to tackle a slasher movie. With films like Halloween, Friday the 13th and Scream...
I wasn’t aware of the prominence of Christianity in South Korea, but according to a quick Google search, close to a third of the population identify as Christians. The question came up when watching Kim Joo-hwan’s The Divine Fury, a religious action thriller about a man who loses his faith,...
With Shark Week surfacing in the near future, there’s no better time to unleash the latest installment in the Deep...
I don’t know a dang thing about the Mortal Kombat universe at large but I do know that I like...
There is no greater crime syndicate in cinema (or life, for that matter) than The Yakuza, which makes them the perfect villain for the comic-book adapted action crime thriller Yakuza Princess. Based on Danilo Beyruth’s graphic novel Samurai Shiro, Yakuza Princess is directed by Vicente Amorim who co-wrote the film with Kimi...
If you’re a fan of horror movies, then you know that there’s nothing quite like the rush of fear and...