When Evil Lurks, written and directed by Demián Rugna (Terrified, Satanic Hispanics), is a no-holds-barred demon-slaying nightmare of blood and...
2023 has been a delightfully spooky year for horror enthusiasts. From slow-burn mysteries to shock-you-out-of-your-socks frights, filmmakers have really upped...
Let’s get it haunted in here! Welcome back to Nightmare Alley, the spooky little side street podcast in the regular Nightmare on Film Street feed. This week, your horror hosts Kim & Jon are joined by filmmakers Danny & Michael Philippou to discuss their death-defying debut feature Talk To Me....
Looking to dive headfirst into the spine-chilling world of haunted house horror movies? Well, buckle up, dear readers, because we’ve...
Lights off, popcorn ready, and heart racing – it’s time to delve into the chilling world of horror movies on...
When the spooktacular stories of horror novels leap from the pages to the big screen, it’s like receiving a double shot of fear straight to the veins! We’re diving headfirst into the eerie universe of horror movie adaptations based on books. (And believe it or not, they aren’t all written...
Explore the terrifying world where fact meets fiction as we delve into spine-chilling horror movies based on true stories. Horror...
It was a cold winter’s night when Lady Tremayne met her untimely demise. She lived alone in a grand mansion...
The Evil Dead franchise is a horror classic that has stood the test of time. From the early days of Sam Raimi’s low-budget gore-fest to the more recent adaptations, the franchise has maintained a level of quality and consistency that is rarely found in the horror genre. With all the...
Mother, May I, the subtle possession thriller and feature debut from writer/director Laurence Vannicelli, is not your typical possession film....
Hollywood’s ‘freshest’ requel, Evil Dead Rise, is hitting the big screen, and it’s quite the ride. Moving away from the...
Colin and Cameron Cairnes’ Late Night With The Devil is a retro-fied joyride through a 1970s late night talk show, during an ill-fated Halloween Night broadcast. In a desperate bid to win back ratings during Sweeps Week, TV’s primetime season, talk show host Jack Delroy (David Dastmalchian, Suicide Squad) invites on clairvoyants,...