Luciferina, which loosely translated means “bringer of light”, tells the story of 19-year-old Natalia who travels to a small island...
There is a special magic in the folk tale. Modern media can give you great stories, for sure. But folklore...
The Mexican possession film The Inhabitant (El Habitante) recently celebrated it’s North American premiere at the 2018 Toronto After Dark Film Festival. The film follows three sisters in over their heads after they find more than they were expecting during a home invasion robbery. Written and directed by Guillermo Amoedo, the film...
The Catholic faith has always seemed scary to me. I grew up in a Protestant church— which was scary enough—...
Suspicions are high in Korean horror film Burning, directed by Lee Chang-dong. The film celebrated its Texas Premiere at the 2018...
A.T. White’s debut feature Starfish celebrated it’s world premiere at the 2018 Fantastic Film Festival, bringing Texas film fans a horror steeped in grief and the search for meaning. Starfish has been described as a cosmic, Lovecraftian horror but the film stays very grounded throughout. One of the most ambitious...
As one of the first people to see the completed Halloween film, I’m going to do my absolute best to...
The German possession film Luz celebrated it’s North American premiere July 20, at the the 2018 Fantasia film festival. Writer/Director were welcomed...
Luz is a unique take on the possession sub-genre that has long been waiting for a refresh. I’m a big fan of possession movies but I get bogged down watching priests and theology experts read from ancient texts, chanting prayers, waiting for God to swoop in and save the day....
Fantastical drama Cold Skin tells a tale of loneliness, fear, and humanity in presence of beasts. Isolated at the top of...
Would you like to play a game? Truth or Dare is the latest from Blumhouse Productions, the powerhouse behind such...
Revenge, the feature debut of French director Coralie Fargeat, is a miraculously visceral experience. It brilliantly reclaims the controversial exploitation subgenre of the rape-revenge film, all while delivering a stylish and thrilling bloodbath. Among horror and exploitation fare, the subgenre of the rape revenge film has always been especially divisive....
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