Perfect is Eddie Alcazar’s directorial debut featuring an ambitious cast of young actors, driven to delivering performances worth noting. Garrett...
It’s rare for a film to completely throw you for a loop, becoming an experience beyond anything you expected. I...
Knock Knock… It’s the oldest joke in the book, but still one to illicit a reaction from the person answering the door. The month of April begins with a good laugh as the first of the month commemorates our common appreciation for tricks and pranks, all conducted out of pure...
With its impressive film library and unabashed passion for the genre, it would seem Shudder is perfectly poised to produce...
Who says the season of scares ends after Halloween? When you really think about it, Christmas is terrifying. And the...
Director Nicholas Pesce generated considerable buzz with his directorial debut, The Eyes of my Mother (2016). Now, with Piercing, he returns to the realm of unexpected, disorienting horror. This time the gore is served up with a side of black comedy, retro styling, and Lynchian surrealism. “[Pesce]Â returns to the...
Ask any horror fan what they consider the best decade of horror filmmaking is, and more likely than not they’ll...
Blumhouse Productions has taken the horror genre by storm with an impressive selection of hit releases praised by fans, successfully...
I’ll admit, other than appreciating the odd festival where you’ll find me buzzing in the corner of a beer tent, I don’t really do ‘hard’ music. There are a few macabre maestros I hold in high esteem, but my awareness of Death Metal, Norwegian Black Metal, and everything in-between were (and...
It’s rare that a movie comes along that completely upends your expectations. Relaxer is one of those films. The latest...
Luz is a unique take on the possession sub-genre that has long been waiting for a refresh. I’m a big...
Electro-Magnetic detectors, readers, and doo-dads have long been touted as tools to capture evidence of the paranormal. (Despite little evidence or – well, plain old science proving them as means to contact an alternate universe, life-force, what-have-you.. But that’s another article altogether.) Until now, we’ve pretty much settled for late-night...