Chelsea Stardust’s Satanic Panic recently celebrated its world premiere at the 2019 Overlook Film Festival in New Orleans. The second film...
Pizza, Satan, and secret societies. I’m hard-pressed to think of a horror-cocktail more universally inviting. It’s no surprise Chelsea Stardust’s...
Mike Ahern, Enda Loughman’s Extra Ordinary is a delightfully charming Irish comedy and quite possibly the cutest ghost story ever made. I’m by no means a Grinch about lighthearted and fun-loving stories but, without a doubt, my horror-hardened heart grew 3 sizes the day I saw this surprisingly sweet film. Extra...
There is a multitude of meaning to the lyrics “Mama, just killed a man” when Freddie Mercury coos them through...
We all have a certain image of how a member of a satanic cult might look like, thanks to movies...
Don Coscarelli, creator of the cult-favorite Phantasm series, has advice for people who want to get into independent film. In his book, True Indie, Don says that “An indie filmmakers reach needs to exceed his grasp,” and if you’re familiar with the practical effects Don uses to make his surreal films, you can...
A true story: February 2010, a good friend and I headed out on a Saturday afternoon to catch the remake...
I’m not a huge fan of jump-scares in horror movies. I think they can work if they’re sparse, like in...
There’s no one in the world of horror like Don Coscarelli. Beginning his professional film career at just 19, Don was one of the youngest working directors Hollywood would ever see. He went on to create the seminal horror piece Phantasm and it’s four sequels, and he continued his career...
We here at Nightmare on Film Street have been ramping up to shark summer since there was still snow outside,...
If you are one of the million people who viewed the trailer online, you will have gotten a taste of...
It’s been 23 years since Tales From the Hood came out and yet, it’s still relevant as ever. The horror anthology dealt with issues that plague the black community such as police brutality, racist politicians and gang violence, adding elements of the paranormal. Not a lot has changed since then...