Arielle Cimino and Jeffrey Ryan’s horror-comedy Mass Hysteria follows a group of actors who reenact the events surrounding the witch...
Walpurgisnacht, also known as Walpurgis Night or Hexennacht, is a pagan holiday celebrated on the night of April 30th. It...
Sorry to say it, but we’re not that much less superstitious than our ancestors. Sure, there’s more scientific knowledge today than there ever has been, but how comforting is that to someone in a spooky old house at night, or lost and alone in the dark woods? This is what inspired...
Brewing underneath the surface of many horror films is an ancient force that has haunted humanity’s nightmares for centuries—witchcraft. Witches,...
Folk horror opens the crypt of mankind’s most ancient fears, letting loose tales twisted in tradition and draped in dread....
I love me a good witch movie. Having cut my teeth on The Craft in the roaring ’90s, I spent the majority of my youth seeking out deviant content with girls behaving badly. Which meant lots and lots of witch movies. Falling in line with present-day cinema’s trend of ‘movies...
It’s that special time of year! Pumpkins are appearing on the neighbor’s porch steps, the leaves on the trees are...