The Seeding, written and directed by Barnaby Clay, takes audiences on a slow-burn journey into a desolate desert canyon where...
They say Chivalry is dead, that there’s no kindness left in the world. For Frankie, the protagonist of the new...
You can always count on Tribeca Film Festival to feature a few true weirdos. Movies that challenge, expand, or downright destroy the ideas we have of genre conventions. This year, one of those films is Ultrasound. The feature directorial debut of Rob Schroeder, Ultrasound pushes storytelling to its limits, culminating in a slow-burn psychological...
The 2019 Fantasia Film Festival is home to surprising and shocking cinema and their Fantasia Underground program is the showcase...
October is, historically, a month full of an overwhelming amount of horror content to watch and enjoy as the Halloween...
Sometimes all that’s needed to bring new energy to a well-trod genre is to inject some deceptively simple innovation into it. In the case of haunted house films, the subgenre has been explored and re-explored in horror until it would seem we’ve seen every possible variation several times over. More...
We’ve all rolled our eyes at one time or another after witnessing parents drop the “that’s enough screen time” line...
When I tell people that I consider Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey to be the scariest movie ever made,...
Generally, moms and horror movies do not mix. (Unless you happen to have the coolest mom on the planet.. in which case, please adopt me.) The gore, the violence, the jumpscares – usually not mom’s cup of tea. But if there is anything all moms have in common, it’s wanting...
It took millions of years of evolution for homo sapiens to become the dominant species. But if other animal species...
It’s rare that a movie comes along that completely upends your expectations. Relaxer is one of those films. The latest...
There are many things to love about Aislinn Clarke. She is the very first woman to direct a feature-length horror film from Northern Ireland. She’s a huge Stephen King fan. She’s a lifelong, dedicated horror fanatic and The Devil’s Doorway is her feature directorial debut. The film was picked up by...