Chelsea Stardust’s Satanic Panic recently celebrated its world premiere at the 2019 Overlook Film Festival in New Orleans. The second film...
In true Fantastic Fest fashion, the festival surprised everyone when this year’s secret screening was announced to be none other...
Brandon Christensen’s Still/Born was named Scariest Feature at the 2017 Overlook Film Festival. His second feature Z celebrated its world premiere at the 2019 Overlook Film Festival debuting a new terrifying monster masquerading as the imaginary friend of a young child. Nightmare on Film Street’s Kimberley Elizabeth said in her review of the...
DESCRIPTION: We saw Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho, and we’ve prepared a list of reasons why you should see...
DESCRIPTION Jordan Peele’s Nope has invaded movie theatres at long last and oh boy do we have some things to...
A Quiet Place has finally invaded movie theatres, scaring moviegoers worldwide. It’s a lot to ask for audiences to sit in through a film that is almost entirely silent, but it is that silence specifically that makes A Quiet Place a tension-fueled nightmare. If you’re still on the fence-post about seeing this movie...
You don’t need a year-end list to tell you that Barbarian, or Scream, or Nope are movies worth checking out. Everybody...