Takahide Hori’s Junk Head first played at the Fantasia International Film Festival back in 2017, with a much longer and...
It’s heartbreaking to think of all the movies that never made it to the screen. We keep hearing stories of...
Eric Power’s Attack of The Demons celebrated its world premiere at the 2019 Cinepocalypse Film Festival, bringing to mind some of my fondest memories from elementary school: Arts & Crafts. I distinctly remember cutting up pieces colorful construction paper with dull scissors and gluing them together. I thoroughly enjoyed doing...
Computers break down, pizza dough rises and spinning roundhouse kicks fly high in the one-of-a-kind psychedelic spy flick Jesus Shows...
Break out the Van Buren china and hide the TV. It’s easy to let your imaginations run wild when you...
It’s Greedy Guts month here on Nightmare on Film Street, and I’m on a real nostalgia kick. As you know, nostalgia is one hell of a drug. More often than not, we look back upon the films that had profound impacts on our lives years later, and realize that they’re...
The lights are down, the candy is unwrapped, and I’m practicing my cultured chuckle, which can mean only one thing:...