It’s been 23 years since Tales From the Hood came out and yet, it’s still relevant as ever. The horror...
Two decades ago, a grown adult man like myself would be shamed for consuming as many animated television shows and...
If you are one of the million people who viewed the trailer online, you will have gotten a taste of what Mandy has in store for you, but nothing will prepare you for what’s to come. Mandy is more than just a violent revenge film. It’s a work of art that...
The Last Sharknado: It’s About Time premiered on SyFy last night to millions of eager viewers in what is said...
Inspired by a Twitter back-and-forth that went viral, You Might Be the Killer is an ambitious meta-horror comedy that seeks...
The Mexican possession film The Inhabitant (El Habitante) recently celebrated it’s North American premiere at the 2018 Toronto After Dark Film Festival. The film follows three sisters in over their heads after they find more than they were expecting during a home invasion robbery. Written and directed by Guillermo Amoedo, the film...
Mandao (pronounced “Man-Day-Oh”) of the Dead is a true indie horror with colorful, wildly quirky characters. They are likable from...
They say Chivalry is dead, that there’s no kindness left in the world. For Frankie, the protagonist of the new...
These days, it’s not a good sign when a movie or television show isn’t screened for critics ahead of time. We can only assume the worst. On the other hand, in avoiding the potential panning, the general public can remain impartial. But is this the case for Netflix’s latest supernatural...
If you were to set about three hours of your day aside, it’d be completely possible to zip through the...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer made just as much of a mark on horror comics as she did on horror TV....
In the decades to come, the case of duelling Hellboy films will make a fascinating case for some film historian. How can two films with the same source material be so wildly different in style and tone? Where as Guillermo del Toro’s 2004 Hellboy enjoyed the advantage of a light...