Let’s face it, 2022 has been off to a bit of a rocky start. It seems like one bad thing...
Were you bitten by a giant dog recently? Have your K9 teeth been growing unexpectedly? Were you recently warned by...
In 2016, video game company Ubisoft decided to capitalize on the classic party game Werewolf by turning it into a VR horror experience they called Werewolves Within. Now, Ubisoft has gone a step further, turning the game that once ran simply on the imagination of spooky nerds into a feature length film, which...
Werewolf films are amongst the most beloved subgenres of horror, ranging from the iconic that shine under the light of...
There’s an interesting intersection of fandoms that exists for horror and film score fans. Both incredibly passionate groups of people,...
DESCRIPTION: It’s been one hell of a year, amiright? And yet somehow, against all odds, this was still a great year for horror movies. Join Kim and Jon on this week’s episodes of Nightmare on Film Street as they count down their Top 10 Horror Movies of 2020 including drive-in...
It might surprise you to learn that the goriest movie at the virtual Nightstream Film Festival was a movie comprised...
At the intersect of Fargo, Zodiac, and Dog Soldiers is The Wolf of Snow Hollow, Orion Pictures’ latest movie to...
[Review] A Small-Town Murder Mystery Undergoes A Monstrous Transformation in THE WOLF OF SNOW HOLLOW
If you wanted to, you could view the “Horror Vs. Thriller” debate about The Silence of the Lambs to be a testament to the movie’s power. If it’s a horror movie, it’s paced as well as the best of thrillers. If it’s a thriller, then it’s one of the most...
The creative process eventually becomes an art through those who condition their craft to produce something original. When it comes...
After its World Premiere at 2019’s Fantasia Film Festival, The Wretched quickly became a film to watch…literally and figuratively. Following...
Monster movies are never just one thing. Night of the Living Dead isn’t just about zombies, it’s about prejudices rooted deeply into our society. It isn’t just a story of a murderous clown, it’s also about the horrors of growing up. The Wolf Man isn’t just about werewolves, Frankenstein isn’t just about reanimated corpses, Bird Box isn’t just about...